'Reign A.D.' Name Change
I have decided to change the name of this project to Reign A.D. The reason is mostly for practicality. There are a heap of artists, a tv show and also an energy drink called Reign. It was making it impossible for me to be discoverable on the internet and youtube. But mostly, it was causing intense confusion with Spotify and streaming playlists. As much as I believe that the name should not belong to a pop artist, I won't be able to win the fight without taking measures now. When the project reaches a decent level of fame and infamy, I'll wield my power to have all imitators removed in one fell swoop. Mark my words.. This reign has only just begun.

'Anti-Human' Cassettes coming soon
Anti-Human was originally released as a limited 'Release Day only' CD-r. I've had a lot of people ask me when a cassette version with these tracks would be available. So here we are. This edition features the two tracks from the 'Anti-Human' single alongside a collection of tracks from recent splits and compilations, new interludes for each track and an unheard Bonus cover track (available only on tape version).
1. Anti-Human
2. Dancing in the Light of Eternity
3. If the Stars Begin to Fade
4. Clandestine Futures & Shallow Graves
5. Bonus Track
22 minutes of uncompromising and skilfully crafted Black Metal.

'Through Ceaseless Downpour' is OUT NOW.
The 'Remastered' version of Through Ceaseless Downpour will be released on Limited Edition Cassette and Deluxe CD Digipack. Available alongside these physical manifestations of audio ritual, will be a selection of merchandise available through Repose Records. These garments were designed by Reign and will be available for a limited time on the Repose Records 8 merch page. The remastered version of T.C.D was a true labor of love and I hope that this re-imagined edition proves to be a fitting upgrade to the original demo.

'Gate Master / Reign Split' is OUT NOW.
Gate Master/ Reign is AVAILABLE NOW on Bandcamp and will be arriving on all major streaming platforms from the 16th of April. There will be a limited edition 7" Lathe Cut Vinyl. With a Cassette to follow shortly. The E.P features 4 new tracks. One track from each artist and two very special collaborative tracks. The E.P jumps from classic 90's Motorhead Worship, straight through dungeon synth via early 00's melodrama. It's safe to say that there is something for everyone here and it'll certainly leave you with a smile on your face. Enjoy.

ANTI-HUMAN is AVAILABLE NOW on Bandcamp and will be arriving on all major streaming platforms from the 12th of January. Currently, there are no plans for these tracks to live beyond the digital landscape. However, a limited run of CD's may be made available on the day. These will be hand made and limited to the number ordered. These tracks are two of my favourite 'off cuts' from my forthcoming release. Although, I won't be sharing anything about that yet. Please see this as your first steps toward the next era of Reign

'The Occult' is OUT NOW.
The Occult is AVAILABLE NOW on all reputable streaming platforms and on Limited Cassette & Vinyl. Which can be purchased on the Reign Bandcamp and through Repose Records. Currently, there is a wait on vinyl production due to lockdowns around the world and interruptions to international shipping. Cassettes have been shipped already unless you purchased both. There will be updates in the coming weeks as to the status of the vinyl. Distribution will be available next year in the US through Season of Mist. So if you aren't keen on the price of international shipping. You'll get a chance to pick up a copy for a more reasonable shipping rate. Thanks to everyone who has supported the project and please enjoy 'The Occvlt'.
Reign recently put together a top 10 albums list for Tomb of Grief. Check it out at the link below.
If you're interested in hearing any of the artists, there's also a playlist featuring some of the favourite tracks from each of the releases.
You can find it on Spotify by clicking the link below.

The Occvlt Split is Available for Pre Order
Pre Orders are now up for 'The Occvlt' Split with Rulum. You can buy the vinyl by following the link here.
The split will be available on Limited Turquoise Cassette, Blue Swirl Vinyl and Standard 140g Black Vinyl. All purchases made through the Reign Bandcamp will come with an Exclusive A2 News Print Poster. Exclusive 'Occvlt' themed sticker set and some handmade 'Night Flower' Incense sticks.
Copies will also be available from Repose Records.
You can listen to Two tracks from the Split Below
An Interview With Tomb of Grief
Reign recently featured in an interview on the newly updated 'Tomb of Grief' Blog. You can read the interview by clicking on the link below.
If you're interested in hearing what's been going on behind the scenes since 'Through Ceaseless Downpour', it'll be worth the read.

All Merchandise for Through Ceaseless Downpour has now sold
I'm please to announce that all merchandise for 'Through Ceaseless Downpour' has now sold out. For now there are no plans to restock any of the items. Perhaps one day the items might see an anniversary release of some kind. Don't hold out for it though.
Finally! There are T-shirts available for my first release 'Through Ceaseless Downpour'. Featuring the cover art. I managed to get some blank t-shirts and print supplies ordered the day before the virus closed most businesses down. Which was a real stroke of luck. I haven't printed anything in years and even before that hiatus my prints were pretty bad. Though I was really pleased with how these came out. Despite my flash cure unit overheating constantly and Ink drying in the screen due to the great weather we're having at the moment. This was a fun project to keep me busy during this time of contemplation. If the shirts sell well. I'll definitely print some different designs. I created a lot of additional artwork for this release and it would be cool to see some of it put to use.
You can Buy the T-shirt by clicking HERE

I released a cover of Mayhem's 'Cursed in Eternity' on my bandcamp page. (link/ player found below). This has always been my favourite track from 'De Mysteriis' and is in general, one of my favourite songs. I love it's relentless pace and to me it stands out from the rest of the tracks on the album. I believe it was the only track written by Jørn Stubberud aka Necrobutcher. Although I could be wrong. I googled the credits for attribution and it only came up with Jan Axel. So let me know if you know any better. The track was also covered by Gehenna on the 1996 Tribute compilation 'Originators of True Northern Darkness'. Which I'd argue is my favourite version of the track. (Sorry). As compilations go, this is an awesome one to check out. Especially for Immortal's cover of 'From the Dark Past' and Gorgoroth's absolutely savage rendition of 'Life Eternal' with almost deafening feedback towards the midpoint of the song.
Through Ceaseless Downpour is the first release from Reign. Originally written and recorded in 2014. The tracks were raised from the void to be released on limited edition home dubbed cassette. You can also listen to the EP on all popular streaming platforms. Merchandise for the release will follow.